Saturday, 21 December 2013

Remember me?

I am so bad at keeping this blog.  The trouble is I'm not sure which way the blog is going to go.  There are several reasons for me saying this and hopefully I'll make sense  while explaining. 
First as you already know I've had back trouble which makes it very uncomfortable to sit and make card.  I tend to lean over the table when I'm making them.
Second because of the above I have taken up knitting again and have also done a little crochet, but I prefer knitting.  But boy after trying to get things done for christmas this year I've made the decision to start making things for Christmas  next year in January! lol 
I have at last managed to find out why my back is so bad and unfortunately I have
Osteoporosis and Osteo Arthritis in my spine.  The Osteoporosis is quite bad and has altered my lifestyle considerably this year.  I wish there was a support group near me, but sadly there isn't.
Hope you are all ready for  Christmas and when I get I chance I 'll post some photos of the things I've been making.
Best wishes     Carol

Friday, 6 September 2013

Weigh in

Well this week I gained 1/2lb which is ok as last week I lost 4 1/2lb which was great!  Here are my achievements so far at Slimming World:

I have also received slimmer of the week a couple of weeks ago, but for some reason my award won't upload here. 

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Remember me????????????

Wow where oh where has this last year gone!  We have had a busy year and our grandaughters are an absolute joy, we will also be blessed with our first grandson in a few weeks time.  He will be Amelias brother, she is sooo excited.  here is a photo of them with their 'Aunty'

As you can imagine I haven't had too much time for designing sheets for card making etc! but I have taken up knitting again.  I have also started Slimming World as I need  to lose a few stones for health reasons, mainly my bad back.  I also want to be able to play with our grandaughters without being in pain afterwards! lol  I'll keep you post with my weightloss achievements and of course knitting I complete.