Friday, 6 September 2013

Weigh in

Well this week I gained 1/2lb which is ok as last week I lost 4 1/2lb which was great!  Here are my achievements so far at Slimming World:

I have also received slimmer of the week a couple of weeks ago, but for some reason my award won't upload here. 

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Remember me????????????

Wow where oh where has this last year gone!  We have had a busy year and our grandaughters are an absolute joy, we will also be blessed with our first grandson in a few weeks time.  He will be Amelias brother, she is sooo excited.  here is a photo of them with their 'Aunty'

As you can imagine I haven't had too much time for designing sheets for card making etc! but I have taken up knitting again.  I have also started Slimming World as I need  to lose a few stones for health reasons, mainly my bad back.  I also want to be able to play with our grandaughters without being in pain afterwards! lol  I'll keep you post with my weightloss achievements and of course knitting I complete.